Kindertransport - before and after: Elegy and Celebration
Poems by Lotte Kramer, editor with an Introduction by Sybil Oldfield.

[Lotte Kramer] `elegizes the broken lives of the Holocaust with a most moving quietness and clarity.`
(Janet Montefiore).

`Hers is a human voice and a humane one`.
(George Szirtes).


Lotte Kramer

Available for £10 (plus £2 p & p) from the Centre for German Jewish Studies, University of Sussex.

Centre for German-Jewish Studies
Arts B,
University of Sussex,

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Grey and tattered it stands in the attic
Having accomplished sixty odd years
Of survival and childhood memories,
Stuffed tight with mother love and heartache
Unable to forget the packed trains
Of ownerless children and platforms of tears
Its pock-marked skin a testimony
And emblem of such histories.
What now in this war-world of cul-de-sac lives,
Seekers of all ages for a place to own
Confronting friendlessness in a strange town,
A suitcase’, perhaps, of unhappy souls  
To be stored in some future eventual attic
Or dumped in a museum as showpiece of luck.


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